As part of the rep rewards program, you will be given a rep rewards card to track your achievement levels. You will receive a ‘Teal’ stamp on your card when you achieve a level. You will receive a ‘Pink’ stamp when you redeem a reward. You will receive a ‘Teal’ stamp on your card when you achieve a new reward level by the Education Engagement Team.
Level 1 - To redeem the Your Education Lanyard and ‘I am a Rep’ Badge, visit the Students’ Union reception on the 1st floor of the Hub (Jordan Well, CV1 5QT). Show your rep reward card to the SU staff on the reception with the stamp on the ‘Level 1’ slot. They will then give your rewards and sign on the ‘Level 1’ slot.
Level 2 - To redeem your Hot Drink from Union Street Café, visit the location in Starley Gardens, Cox St, Coventry CV1 5PH. Show your rep reward card to the staff in the cafe with the stamp on the ‘Level 2’ slot. They will then give your rewards and sign on the ‘Level 2’ slot.
Level 3 - To redeem your Cookie from Wicked Cookies, visit their stall in the Hub (every Tuesday). Show your rep reward card to the stall holder with the stamp on the ‘Level 3’ slot. They will then give your rewards and sign on the ‘Level 3’ slot.
Level 4 - To redeem the Rep Water bottle, visit the Students’ Union reception on the 1st floor of the Hub (Jordan Well, CV1 5QT). Show your rep reward card to the SU staff on the reception with the stamp on the ‘Level 4’ slot. They will then give your rewards and sign on the ‘Level 4’ slot.
Level 5 - To redeem the Rep T-shirt, visit the Students’ Union reception on the 1st floor of the Hub (Jordan Well, CV1 5QT). Show your rep reward card to the SU staff on the reception with the stamp on the ‘Level 5’ slot. They will then give your rewards and sign on the ‘Level 5’ slot.
Level 6 - To redeem your 1-week membership with Coventry University Sports Centre, email with a picture of your reward card highlighting the Teal stamp on the ‘Level 6’ slot. Instructions will be sent within 3 working days.
Level 7 - To redeem the Free pass for you plus a friend to Your SU’s Get Social Night at Boom Battle Bar and Ivy House, email with a picture of your reward card highlighting the Teal stamp on the ‘Level 7’ slot. Instructions will be sent within 3 working days.