Please find the University's academic appeal regulation and guidance on the appeals process below:

You can also read Your Advice Service's guide on how to write your academic appeal. 

The deadline to appeal is within ten working days of your result release date on SOLAR. Your appeal statement should be well written, include evidence supporting your statement, and explain the ground(s) on which you are appealing and how you meet them.

Grounds For Appeal:

  • Procedural Irregularity: The University made a mistake or did not follow the regulations. For example, added up marks incorrectly
  • Improper Assessment: Your marks were affected by prejudice or bias
  • Extenuating Circumstances: You were affected by events outside of your control and could not apply for an extension or a deferral at the time. For example, you were very ill.

Reasons You cannot Submit an Academic Appeal:

  • For an academic misconduct case - see here for more information about appealing an ACO judgement
  • If you disagree with the mark and think your work deserved a better grade
  • If your results have not yet been released on SOLAR
  • If you don’t meet the grounds
  • If you have no evidence
  • If the grade you are appealing is an "AB" or Absent mark. You must apply for a retrospective deferral using the Extenuating Circumstance Request process in this case. 
  • After 10 working days, unless you have serious problems which meant that you were unable to submit an appeal on time. Your statement will need to explain this and you will need to include supporting evidence for this as well as evidence to show how you meet the ground(s). 

The Appeal Process:

Submit the appeal as soon as possible using the correct appeal form and to the correct email address for your campus as outlined below:

If you can’t get evidence in time, submit the appeal using the academic appeal form with a note explaining why you could not get the evidence, and when you expect the evidence to be available. Send the evidence as soon as you have it, preferably within 5 working days of the appeal deadline.

If you're struggling to write your appeal and knowing what to include, take a look at our academic appeal template.

We are happy to proofread appeals sent a few days in advance of the deadline.

Once your appeal is accepted, it will be checked to make sure it meets the guidelines. If it does, the ARG (Assessments Review Group) will consider the appeal and decide whether to reject the appeal, uphold the previous decision, or change the decision.

Appeals can take up to 90 days to process. It's really important that you follow the advice provided on SOLAR in the meantime. 

If you don’t meet the grounds your appeal will be rejected.

If you meet the grounds, your Faculty Programme Assessment Board will be asked to reconsider your case. They may decide to keep their original decision about your grades or progression or to change it.

Appealing the Outcome of an Academic Appeal:

If you are unhappy with the outcome of an academic appeal you have the right to appeal within 10 working days to on the following grounds:

  • Additional grounds which add a new dimension to the case and were not considered at the review stage, only came to light after the review process had been completed and could not have been made available earlier
  • Significant new evidence which adds a new dimension to the case was not considered at the review stage, only came to light after the review process had been completed and could not have been made available earlier
  • There was an irregularity in the review process itself

Your appeal statement must explain how you meet the ground(s) above and attach evidence.

Your Students’ Union Advice Service are happy to proof read appeals if you are able to send us a draft a few working days in advance of the deadline by completing an Enquiry Form. When doing so, please include the original outcome letter and let us know on which grounds you intend to appeal where this is known.

If the appeal is not granted, you will be issued a Completion of Procedures (COP) letter that will enable you to take your case to the Office of the Independent Adjudicator for Higher Education (OIAHE).

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