Christian Union Society

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EQUIP: November

Coventry University Christian Union, Warwick Christian Union and Northampton Christian Union all came together to Cefn Lea, Wales for the annual Weekend Away. Read along to follow what the Christian Union has been doing for the month of November

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Weekend Away 2022


During November the Christian Union continued to organise multiple events for the month with the main highlight being the annual Weekend Away to Cefn Lea, Wales alongside 2 other Christian Unions. This has been a regular event for the CU and normally one of the highlights of the year for members


Between the 11th and 13th of November, 18 members of the Christian Union from Coventry united with Warwick and Northampton Christian Unions for a Weekend at the lovely Cefn Lea in Wales. The 2.5 hour journey turned out to be well worth it in the end with wonderful Welsh countryside sights to see and that was only the beginning. Once arriving at Cefn Lea a firepit was lit with many joining to sing songs of praise to God. The weekend offered a range of activties, from football to a hike, evening games to a silent disco. Each day began with time of worship and seminars on the book of Jonah to grow closer in our faith of God, with lecturers also being taught on other specialised areas. The weekend provided a fantastic opportunity to meet with other university students and to create friendships with others, with the weekend finishing with a group photo (see image above)


After the Weekend Away, the Coventry Christian Union continued to provide more events for all students with the Mini-Events Week. The theme for the week was "NEW BEGINNINGS" which helped raise awareness to those feeling lonely or stuck in life that there is an answer to all problems and God can change your life so you can start again afresh and enjoy what life has to offer. 


Our 1st event of the week was a movie night at Hillfields Church Coventry to watch a movie classic of 'Kung Fu Panda'


Acoustic Music Society, Coventry Windband Society, Musical Theatre Society and the Christian Union came together for a Christmas-themed fundraiser to raise funds towards the Coventry Foodbank at St. John the Baptist Church, with the talented members from the Windband and Acoustic Music Society providing festive entertainment throughout the evening


The week finished up in The Courtyard of TheHub with a DIY Chinese Lantern craft lead by the wonderful people from Friend's International and CU's own committee member Chris Wong in sharing a simple way to create a Chinese Lantern ahead of the Chinese New Year


Our weekly EQUIP meeting from the Faith and Spirituality Centre from 7pm to 9pm. Each week we meet up to have time to meet new people, build friendships but most importantly to come together to praise God
We continued to look into the Gospel of John during the month of November, with many guest speakers attending and sharing how we can be equipped to share God's message to those around us


We were blessed to hear from Bob at our testimony night, where he shared more on how he became a Christian, his journey from Nigeria to England and how God called him from a M.Sc in Architecture to a life devoted to sharing God's word

Follow us on Instagram @covcu to find out more about our events we plan



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