Over the past few months, complications arose from a sponsor, who we as a committee, haven’t signed any legal bindings with. This resulted them using our university name and our society to promote their own events. Events such as Qawali and Winterball profited them as it was seen as a business model for them.
Recently, we decided to cut ties with this sponsor and have made a new instagram page.
We would encourage you to follow that platform so that you could hear about any events that we will be hosting. We are not affiliated with any other instagram pages. We urge everyone to unfollow any other instagram pages that are impersonating our society to avoid any confusion.
With regards to committee, the university does not recognise the Pakistani society committee that the sponsor has created. Those who are in our official committee are highlighted on our social media platforms (@coventrypakistanisoc) and on the society webpage.
Kind regards
Coventry Pakistani Society