Hello students. My name is Layna Forbes, College of Arts and Societies Officer I’m studying BA in Criminology and Psychology at Coventry University. As your College of Arts and Societies Officer, I’m passionate about creating an accommodating and supportive university for all the students. My main goal is to increase equity within the university, and I’ll be actively working with the Students’ Union to achieve this. To help me achieve my main goal, I will engage with students to receive their feedback and recommendations to help me take their voices further during multiple meetings and bring active change. Also, I'll be actively increasing the students' psychological capital by introducing new opportunities within the student's course. This includes guest speakers, external connections, and trips to increase confidence and consider what is possible for them beyond their studies.
Hello students. My name is Layna Forbes, College of Arts and Societies Officer
I’m studying BA in Criminology and Psychology at Coventry University. As your College of Arts and Societies Officer, I’m passionate about creating an accommodating and supportive university for all the students. My main goal is to increase equity within the university, and I’ll be actively working with the Students’ Union to achieve this.
To help me achieve my main goal, I will engage with students to receive their feedback and recommendations to help me take their voices further during multiple meetings and bring active change. Also, I'll be actively increasing the students' psychological capital by introducing new opportunities within the student's course. This includes guest speakers, external connections, and trips to increase confidence and consider what is possible for them beyond their studies.
Take a minute to update your profile so you will hear more about the opportunities and events you're interested in, and less about the ones you're not! Don't have time right now? You can always update your profile at yoursu.org/profile