Hello everyone! I am Ujwala Patel. I’m an International Business Management (IBM) Masters student and course rep from India. Being a course rep inspired me to contest for part time officer position for betterment of international students’ issues and also course related issues with the IBM course. My focus is on addressing crucial issues within our departments, encouraging collaboration, and ensuring a positive environment for all. I will be working with the Student’s Union to overcome student challenges and create a thriving academic community.
Hello everyone! I am Ujwala Patel.
I’m an International Business Management (IBM) Masters student and course rep from India. Being a course rep inspired me to contest for part time officer position for betterment of international students’ issues and also course related issues with the IBM course. My focus is on addressing crucial issues within our departments, encouraging collaboration, and ensuring a positive environment for all.
I will be working with the Student’s Union to overcome student challenges and create a thriving academic community.
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