Hi there! I'm Mahbub Shuhag, Coventry University London Campus Officer Over the last two consecutive years, I've been advocating for students at every level, both on and off campus. My motto is about empowering students and making a positive impact wherever I go. Also, I'm an advisor at Students Mind, where I get to play a key role in helping to shape strategic decisions and policies. I'm passionate about promoting inclusivity, supporting students in need, and empowering all students to achieve their goals.
Hi there! I'm Mahbub Shuhag, Coventry University London Campus Officer
Over the last two consecutive years, I've been advocating for students at every level, both on and off campus. My motto is about empowering students and making a positive impact wherever I go.
Also, I'm an advisor at Students Mind, where I get to play a key role in helping to shape strategic decisions and policies. I'm passionate about promoting inclusivity, supporting students in need, and empowering all students to achieve their goals.
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