I'm Emmy-Ange Kabala, CU Coventry Campus Officer As a third-year Public Health student, I have developed a deeper insight into the influences our food, environment and communities have on the health of students. During my role this year as your Campus Officer, I would like to focus on adding healthier breakfast options to help improve memory and brain health. Additionally, I plan on working alongside the University and stakeholders to offer accommodation support and secure part-time jobs for Coventry students on tier 4 visas. My next point of focus is to add disposable vape bins around Coventry University Group campuses to encourage community involvement in caring for our environment.
I'm Emmy-Ange Kabala, CU Coventry Campus Officer
As a third-year Public Health student, I have developed a deeper insight into the influences our food, environment and communities have on the health of students.
During my role this year as your Campus Officer, I would like to focus on adding healthier breakfast options to help improve memory and brain health. Additionally, I plan on working alongside the University and stakeholders to offer accommodation support and secure part-time jobs for Coventry students on tier 4 visas. My next point of focus is to add disposable vape bins around Coventry University Group campuses to encourage community involvement in caring for our environment.
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