Hi, I’m Michael Kendall, CU Scarborough Officer I'm a student at CU Scarborough, currently in the third year of my BSc Applied Psychology degree. As Campus Officer I strive to enhance the university experience for all CU Scarborough students and for those joining in the years to come. In time as Campus Officer, I want to ensure that all students are proud to be at CU Scarborough, as they feel part of a strong student community. CU Scarborough can provide a unique and enjoyable experience for all and I intend to help ensure students have the most memorable time at university.
Hi, I’m Michael Kendall, CU Scarborough Officer
I'm a student at CU Scarborough, currently in the third year of my BSc Applied Psychology degree. As Campus Officer I strive to enhance the university experience for all CU Scarborough students and for those joining in the years to come. In time as Campus Officer, I want to ensure that all students are proud to be at CU Scarborough, as they feel part of a strong student community. CU Scarborough can provide a unique and enjoyable experience for all and I intend to help ensure students have the most memorable time at university.
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