Hello All! I am Christopher Eban and I am your College Officer within the College of Engineering, Environment and Science (CEES). I am a Masters student in Data Science and I am excited to represent you in the role. I am familiar with the role, as I have held similar roles in the past. I consider myself transparent and one who advocates for inclusiveness. My vision to represent you as the college officer for CEES is centred on representing all students in the college through a transparent and collaborative system of representation, wherein student’s participation is the crux of my mandate regardless of our unique diversity.
Hello All! I am Christopher Eban and I am your College Officer within the College of Engineering, Environment and Science (CEES).
I am a Masters student in Data Science and I am excited to represent you in the role. I am familiar with the role, as I have held similar roles in the past. I consider myself transparent and one who advocates for inclusiveness.
My vision to represent you as the college officer for CEES is centred on representing all students in the college through a transparent and collaborative system of representation, wherein student’s participation is the crux of my mandate regardless of our unique diversity.
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