Closing another vibrant semester, the Art Society reflects on a season of creativity, collaboration, and achievement. Our community has flourished, showcasing talent and inspiring growth. This semester was not just about art - it was about connections, passion, and the joy of expression.
Don't miss out on our latest updates! Follow us on social media.
🪄 Are you generally interested in art-related activities? Do you like to draw, paint or craft? Or meeting new people, socialising and learning new creative skills?
We are here to provide new experiences outside your study time! ✨
🎨Weekly sessions 🎤Guest Speakers 🚌🌞Trips 🫂👥Collabs with other societies 🍭🍻Lots of fun & socialising!
📍 We will run free events for members and non-members; please, understand that - depending on the activity - supplies and materials can be expensive, so some sessions may require a small fee or ticket to be purchased. Some other sessions may require a Free Ticket to book your space in order for us to see number of attendants.
We are really passionate about what we do, Arts are for everyone and we want to make it accessible and enjoyable for all.💕
Are you no longer a student but still interested in becoming a member? Here is the link to Become an Associate Member !
📥Contact us if you need more info! Our Links: General WhatsApp Group: WhatsApp Members ONLY: Our Other Links:
Here are some of the activities the Art Society has to offer:
✨ Painting, Drawing & Sketching
✨ Make Your Own
✨ Creative talks
✨ Workshop and Skills Development
✨ Seasonal Arts and Crafts
Our Society is self-sustained and we try make most of our sessions Free; however, arts & crafts supplies and materials can be expensive, hence we need to put a small ticket fee to pay for some of the sessions we run.💕 Check out our socials for more information! 🎯 Instagram: @cu_artsociety Facebook @cuartsociety / Untitled: Coventry University Art Society
Maristella Barbera / @_maristella._ President
Diloniya Ponraj / @diloniya_ Inclusion Officer
Muhammad Awais Khan / @_awaiskhan10 Treasurer
Charlotte Chung / @charcharchungchar Events Coordinator
Take a minute to update your profile so you will hear more about the opportunities and events you're interested in, and less about the ones you're not! Don't have time right now? You can always update your profile at