What we do:
We will have weekly sessions on Tuesdays in the Delia Derbyshire Building from 6pm-8pm (but feel free to leave earlier or stay until we're kicked out!).
Our sessions are wide-ranging and include (but are not limited to!):
- Sketching sessions – to develop a designer’s most valuable tool.
- CAD sessions – to increase experience in a range of software.
- Workshop and modelling sessions – to develop confidence in hands-on making.
- Portfolio development – preparing you for industry.
- Support for internship applications – tips on how to tailor your CV to specific companies.
- Submission guidance – for those who want advice close to assignment hand-ins.
- Design and documentary/movie nights – for more relaxed evenings to work on your own project or our prompts.
- Participation in design competitions – national and international.
- Visits from alumni and industry experts – building from Design Matters talks for a more interactive session.
- Trips – to industry, museums, design fairs and more!
We are open to learning and would welcome more ideas for engaging sessions to enhance cross-disciplinary learning and innovation.
Our social medias will be kept up to date with content from our latest meet-up and news of up-coming events. With permission, we can also post student work created in our sessions to give new designers exposure.
If design is your passion, this is the society for you.