How do I vote in the Students’ Union elections?

Watch the video below to see how to vote

How does Alternative Voting (sometimes known as Transferable Voting) work?

Watch the video below that explains this style of voting!

When are the results announced?

The results of the Election will be released on Friday 9 February by 5pm, providing we are not still investigating any complaints.

Why can I choose more than one candidate?

We use a transferable vote system. All this really means is if your first choice doesn't receive enough votes, we'll move your vote to your next preference.

It's like saying, "I think we should go to Nando's, but if not there then Five Guys, or Las Iguanas." If enough other people want to go to Nando's then great! You're off to Nando's. If no-one else fancies Nando's then your vote is moved to Five Guys.

Watch the video above for more information!

What if I'm not sure who to vote for?

This is where candidates manifestos come in. The candidates each lay out what they will do if elected so you can choose the ones that make promises you agree with.

Elected officers have a big influence over action and policy - think of things like Cost of Living, Student Housing and Student Welfare. The people you choose will decide what happens.

Click this button to see this years candidates!

What if I want to make a complaint around the election or a candidate?

You can make a complaint to the elections team using this form and guidance.

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