CU Coventry: Meet your Campus Officer and Reps

Your SU: CU Coventry

Hot chocolate, good conversation, and the people who are here to help you: it's all at our Campus Officer and Campus Reps meet-and-greet!

Campus officer and Campus Reps in one picture.

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CU Coventry Cafe, 8 Mile Lane Coventry CV1 2TU


Monday 11 December 2023


1pm - 2pm


About the event

Join us for a warm and cosy hot chocolate with Emmy-Ange, your Campus Officer, Saman Salih, Campus Education Rep, and Neisha Padan, Campus Experience Rep. This is a great opportunity to get to know them, learn more about the resources and support they offer, and ask any questions you have.

Please reserve your slots.

We advise all students to stay at home if they feel unwell. 

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