Are you interested in becoming a student rep? Come over to our stall to hear all about our rep vacancies and the benefits of signing up to become a rep!
Richard Crossman Foyer
Thursday 26 September 2024
11am - 2pm
Your SU is offering you the opportunity to become a student representative!
You can either do this at your course level or even up to the school level.
Your SU also recognises and rewards our student reps. To find out more about the rep roles available to you and the benefits of becoming a rep, visit us at our stall to answer all your queries.
You can also volunteer with us and help with running the event - if you're interested, please book the Volunteer ticket type (Please note this is for Reps or those intrested in becoming a Rep).
Take a minute to update your profile so you will hear more about the opportunities and events you're interested in, and less about the ones you're not! Don't have time right now? You can always update your profile at