[Taster Session] Join us for a deep dive into all things celebrity, with fun interactive activities and talking points to get you thinking about how we see fame in society!
Thursday 30 January 2025
6pm - 8pm
Join the Psychology Society for an evening where we will be taking a deep dive into all things celebrity, with fun interactive activities and talking points to get you thinking about how we see fame in society!
This is a taster session, meaning you don't need a membership in order to attend - come along and get to know the society!
Activities will include a Kahoot quiz to test your celebrity knowledge, a sorting task relating to mental health, video case studies on parasocial relationships, and a game of Who Am I?
Prizes will be given to the winners of each activity!
Take a minute to update your profile so you will hear more about the opportunities and events you're interested in, and less about the ones you're not! Don't have time right now? You can always update your profile at yoursu.org/profile