
Your Students' Union news

A statement from Your Officers on the student protests in Bangladesh

In early July, students began protesting against a quota system for government jobs in Bangladesh. In recent weeks protests have escalated, leading to violence and sadly loss of life. As an officer team, we stand with students and support their right to peaceful protest. We call for an end to any form of violence.

London Music Festivals this Summer
An outdoor festival stage

Find out what music festivals are on this summer, where to find them and how much they cost.

NUS Referendum (2024) Result

See the results of our recent NUS referendum.

Rep of the Month Winners - May

Our reps consistently go above and beyond to enhance the student experience! We are excited to announce the winners and share their Rep of the Month nominations for May.

Meet Your Women Students Community Members

Read on to find out about the proudest achievements and biggest inspirations of members of the Women Students Community.

Part-Time Officers Update - April

Find out what your part-time officers got up to in April.

Community Updates: April
Your Community Engagement Leads and Community Officer smiling together

Find out what your community team have been working on this month!

Part-Time Officers Update - February

Find out what your part-time officers got up to in the months of December and January

Society Spotlight: Gender Equality Society
The Gender Equality Society Committee Members

Find out more about our brilliant Gender Equality Society, why they decided to run the society and which women have inspired them!

Community Updates: March
Your Community Engagement Leads and Community Officer smiling together

Find out what your community team have been working on this month!

Part-Time Officers Update - (December/January)

Find out what your part-time officers got up to in the months of December and January

Community Updates: February
Your Community Engagement Leads and Community Officer smiling together

Find out what your community team have been working on this month!

Part-Time Officers Update - November

Find out what your part-time officers have been up to in the month of November

Rep of the Month Winners - September

Check out which reps have been recognised for their work in the month of September

5 Budget Friendly Student Meals
A picture of a child with a messy face

Fueling Success: The Perks of Quick, Healthy, and Budget-Friendly Recipes for University Students


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