Life can be unpredictable, and unexpected financial difficulties can put added pressure on your studies. If you’re facing unforeseen circumstances, such as a sudden loss of income, emergency costs, or unexpected living expenses, the Coventry University Support Fund may be able to provide temporary financial assistance. This fund is designed to support students experiencing genuine financial hardship, helping with essential living costs when times get tough.
Who can apply?
The fund is open to UK, EU, and international students who are enrolled and attending their course. It is specifically for students dealing with unexpected financial challenges, not for general living costs. If you’re struggling due to a sudden change in your financial situation and need support to continue your studies, you may be eligible to apply.
How much can you get?
The maximum payment is up to £1,000, but each application is assessed individually. To be considered, you must provide clear evidence of your financial hardship. Without the required documentation, your application cannot be processed.
How to apply
If you think you need support, start by checking your eligibility on the Student Funding pages of the Student Portal. Next, complete the application form, ensuring you’ve read the guidance notes carefully. You must submit your application along with all necessary supporting documents to
Once submitted, the Student Funding Team will review your application, but this process can take up to five weeks, so apply as soon as possible. If your application meets the criteria, Your Student Union will then contact you to discuss your situation, offer financial advice, and provide budgeting support before making a final recommendation.
What you need to know before applying
The University Support Fund is not an instant solution, so applying early is essential. You must demonstrate that your financial hardship is unexpected and temporary, providing all relevant evidence. Missing or incomplete documents will delay your application. Please note that this fund does not cover tuition fees—it is strictly for essential living costs.
Need help with your application?
If you’re unsure about your eligibility, need help gathering the right evidence, or want support completing your application, Your Student Union Advice Team is here to help. Book an appointment with an advisor for guidance.
Don’t let unexpected financial difficulties disrupt your studies; reach out for support today!