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A welcome from your Head Brother

A welcome message from your Head Brother, with some notices for you to start the year with inshā’allāh!

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‎اسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته،

I start this message by praising Allah, the One, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful, the Majestic, the Most Powerful, the Most Forgiving, the Accepter of Repentance, the Ever-Pardoning, the one whom inspires us to Repent.

Indeed we give all praise to Allah, All-Hearing and All-Seeing of the seen and unseen. Allah, the Utterly Just. Allah, the Source of All Peace, Master of the Kingdom, Owner of the Dominion. Allah, the Creator of everything from the soil from which provision sprouts to the land from which it grows, from the cells in your body to the eyes you read this message with. Allah, the one who Guides whomever He wills. 

We send Salawat upon our beloved prophet Muhammad ﷺ (peace and blessings be upon him). The most beloved to Allah, ﷻ. The Final messenger, Gatherer of the ummah on the day of judgement.

It is my honour to welcome you all to the new academic year! 

To those of you who don’t know me, my name is Sadi Rahman. I am your Head Brother for this year inshā’allāh, and alhamdulillah what a beautiful blessing Allah has given me. I am in my third year of obtaining a BA (Hons) in Automotive and Transport Design, and inshā’allāh will be graduating in June.

Alhamdulillah I have been officially in the ISoc committee since last year, starting off as inclusion officer then Acting Head Brother from April to summer, and now for this year as Head Brother. During these past months, the Islamic Society has been working hard to ensure we can give a great start for you this semester, including:

- A fresh new committee — you may have seen adverts on our instagram recently for new sisters position. Alhamdulillah we’d like to welcome 3 new sisters and 7 brothers to the ISoc committee. May Allah make us all successful in our service to the ummah (Ameen). 
- Gaming Night has now changed to ‘Social Night’ — We felt this name suited the essence of our most popular weekly events. Our first *Brothers Social Night* will be on *Friday 20th of September*, and for our sisters, our first *Sisters Social Night* will be on *Wednesday 18th September* inshā’allāh. Make sure to come along!
- For those who would like to help isoc, we are accepting volunteers and enquiries for executive positions inshā’allāh! Come see us on the *10th in Mile Lane campus* or on the *18th at the Hub* and speak to us about it!
- We’ve yet again partnered up with Islamic Relief for Charity Week! (October 27th - November 3rd)
- Brothers' Quran Classes are back for this year! Interested in the Quran? Want to learn how to read Allah’s words? Perhaps you just want to sit and practice? Inshā’allāh we will start from Wednesday 18th September in the Charles Ward Prayer Room
- Inshā’allāh we’ll have some big events and guest speakers soon👀
To keep updated on what we’re doing, follow our instagram page (@coventryisoc) and feel free to DM us!

We ask that Allah grants us with being close to Him in times of ease and hardship. We ask that Allah makes this year the most productive we’ve had so far, and that we pass with flying colours in both our tests of the Dunya and the test for Akhirah. 

To all students, new and old, I look forward to seeing you all soon inshā’allāh!

‎خزاك الله خيرا
(May Allah reward you with goodness)

Sadi Rahman
Head Brother of Coventry Islamic Society



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