Information for Schools

Our school placement opportunities are a fantastic way for our students to gain experience, whilst your school benefits from their subject experience, international languages or passion to learn.

Would you like to benefit from student support whilst providing students with valuable school’s experience?

The classroom experience gained by students wishing to pursue a career in teaching is invaluable, it also offers students the opportunity who are keen to share their passions for certain subjects the chance to inspire or encourage pupils across Coventry.

Schools that accept students should ensure that they receive adequate supervision on school premises. Students have requested to support teachers in the classroom and should remain under the supervision of a teacher at all times and should not conduct lessons themselves.

Please note: our student volunteers are NOT trainee teachers.

  • How to join?

    It would be great to have your school or college join our scheme, as we always have students wanting to get school experience. Firstly, read the 'Information for Schools' document below to get a better idea of the programme and how it works. Once you have decided to go for it, email us with all your requirements, so we can start arranging everything and start looking for suitable students for you.

  • School Induction

    Whilst our students will have received some training before starting their placement, they will also require you to complete a School Induction to ensure the Student Volunteer understands expectations and key policies of your school. It should include:

    • An introduction to relevant teaching staff they will be working with
    • A tour of the school (at least the department the students are working in)
    • Guidance on their role whilst on their placement, including dress code, mobile phone use and school expectations
    • Essential school policies; health and safety, child protection and safeguarding procedures
    • Access to resources to support the experience they will be having in the classroom
  • Still interested?

    If you have any questions about any aspect of the Schools Programme, please contact us, using link below.

  • Student Tutoring

    As a Student Tutor you will be supporting teachers in your chosen subject (maths, English, science, media etc).You will not be expected to teach the whole class (unless you want to), instead you will be supporting small groups.

  • International Language Support

    We are looking for students fluent in or a native speaker of languages other than English, to assist pupils with their English.

  • Right to Read

    As a Right to Read volunteer, you will read one-to-one with children with below average reading abilities to improve their confidence and enjoyment. You are usually assigned 3–4 children to 'read' with, and your school provides the book and some activities, but as you get to know your pupil we recommend creating your own materials.

  • Extra-Curricular Clubs

    This opportunity allows you to share your hobby or interest with school pupils over lunch or in an after-school club. Previous activity has included chess, science and craft clubs. Our team can help you develop your idea further if needed.

  • Code Club

    In collaboration Code Club this is the opportunity for 9-13 year olds to engage and develop new skills learning computer code. Our students are trained by the Code Club team before supporting your school pupils to learn code through designing and making their own games, animations and websites.

  • Sports and Special Interests

    We have many sports students who would like the chance to assist with specific related activities to encourage and motivate pupils in after-school activity.

  • School Inspired Projects

    We are keen to work with our school partners to design and support projects that really meet their needs. Previous school inspired projects have included: Science Days, Harry Potter Week and Sports Days.

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