Your Students' Union

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Your SU Leadership Election Announcement

Each year we elect student leaders to various positions to lead the students' Union. Here are the dates and roles available in our 2025 leadership elections for you to get involved!

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Please note that some roles are location specific. 

Part-time officer (PTO) positions  

Coventry University:  

  • The Arts and Society College Officer  

  • Engineering, Environment and Sciences College Officer  

  • Business and Law College Officer  

  • Health and Care School Officer   

  • Postgraduate Research Officer  

CU Coventry: 

  • CU Coventry Campus Officer  


  • CU London Campus Officer (Dagenham and Greenwich) 

  • Coventry University London Campus Officer (Middlesex St Campus) 


  • CU Scarborough Campus Officer  

Part-time officers are the lead representatives for all students studying within their area - these are broken down into college, school or campus officers.

College and School Officers bring together the work of the Coventry site team and act as the primary spokesperson for all students studying within their college or school, across all years of study. They will engage with the Students’ Union, university and wider community to ensure that everyone is represented, and to help to shape their university experience.   

The role of Campus Officers is similar to that of a college/school officer, however, this individual is the lead representative for all students studying at their campus location. They bring together the work of the campus executive team and act as the primary spokesperson for all students studying on their site, and will also liaise with the university, Students’ Union and wider community to ensure that everyone is represented and can shape their university experience.    

Full-time officer (FTO) positions: 

  • Welfare Officer  

  • Education Officer  

  • Activities Officer  

  • Sports Officer  

These roles represent students studying across all sites. They'll act as the voice for students and attend various meetings across the Students’ Union and university. Each role has its own remit to look after, such as student safety and welfare, or student voice and representation. Alongside this, they are also expected to act on their manifesto across the academic year. Full-time officers will also work closely with part-time officers throughout their time in office.  

Unsure on what role is right for you? Visit our elections roles page to find out more. 

Important Elections Information  

The dates for this election are as follows:  

Nominations open  

Friday 10 January at 12pm (midday) 

Nominations close and manifesto deadline  

Tuesday 28 January at 5pm 

Candidate list released  

Tuesday 4 February at 12pm (midday)

Voting opens  

Tuesday 11 February at 12pm (midday)

Voting closes  

Thursday 13 February at 12pm (midday)

Results announced  

Friday 14 February by 5pm  


What can I do now?  

If you are interested in finding out more about the different roles available, or if you would like to put yourself forward for a role, you can register your interest now. We have two interested lists; one for FTO positions, and one for PTO positions. Once you’ve joined the list, you will be sent an email relating to the roles you’re interested in.  

If you have any questions about elections, you can get in touch with the team by emailing




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