Applications have now closed for AY21/22 but 
will re-open in September 2022.

Recognising Your Achievements

Your SU Leadership Award recognises your involvement and activities within extracurricular activities whilst studying at Coventry University. 

You can showcase the skills you have developed in a format that can be digitally viewed by potential employers.


Your Students' Union Leadership Awards

Coming to university is about more than gaining a degree, it unlocks a world of opportunities and the students' union's Leadership Award recognises those who are participating and shaping their's and others' student experience's positively. Receiving the Leadership Award certification is also a great chance to improve your CV and make yourself a standout candidate in graduate market! The Leadership Award can recognise many things such as: Volunteering, Course Reps, Sport or Society members, election candidates, elected Officers, many more roles!!

The Leadership Award has 3 levels:

  • Bronze AwardActive Participant

    If you are an active participant within extracurricular activities, but don’t take on any formal leadership roles, this Award recognises the extra skills and experience you have gained.

    The Bronze Leadership Award recognises Coventry University students who seek out and participate within opportunities to develop their interests, meet new people, and proactively stretch themselves through trying something new.

    To achieve the Bronze Leadership Award, students identify the skills and experience they have gained through their participation. These will depend entirely on their experience, but are commonly communication, team-working, presentational and personal skills.

  • Silver AwardDeveloping Leader

    If you do more than actively participate, perhaps taking on some elements of leadership within your activities, or engaging in a way that helps grow and sustain your extracurricular activity, then the Silver Leadership Award is for you.

    The Silver Leadership Award recognises Coventry University students who have progressed from participating in an activity, to a greater degree of engagement and contributions. They support their activities through taking on elements of leadership and making contributions, as and when required.

    To achieve the Silver Leadership Award, students review the skills and experience they have gained through their engagement within their activities. These skills can cover the spectrum from personal and communication skills, through to organisational and leadership skills they have developed through their contributions.


  • Gold AwardAccomplished Leader

    If you have demonstrated your leadership skills through making significant contributions, either within an a formal executive role , or any other voluntary position, then the Gold Leadership Award is for you.

    The Gold Leadership Award recognises Coventry University students who have made significant contributions through their extracurricular activities, and who have actively shaped and development their opportunities through their involvement.

    To achieve the Gold Leadership Award, students reflect and evidence the experience and skills developed through their roles. These skills will be those most relevant to their position, but will range from commercial and organisational through to leadership and communication.



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